
Six Tips To Staying In Tip-Top Shape During The Summer Months

Six Tips To Staying In Tip-Top Shape During The Summer Months. Summer can play havoc when trying to look your best but here are six tips to help you stay cool, refreshed and in control.

Six Tips To Staying In Tip-Top Shape During The Summer Months:

  1. Don’t burn

With temperatures reaching over fifty degrees during the peak summer months in Dubai, applying sunscreen should be a no-brainer, yet many feel that they are invincible to the sun’s harsh rays. Not only are they subjecting themselves to premature ageing but also increasing the risk of skin disease and Cancer.  When choosing sunscreen, a SPF of 30 on the body and 50 on the face is a must to protect your skin from UV damage.

  1. Hydrate

Not only can the hot summer months leave you dehydrated but it can also make you crave food when you aren’t actually hungry. Drinking the prescribed 8-10 glasses of water can get a bit monotonous so try and mix things up by adding pieces of fruit or mint leaves.  While exercising however, sometimes water just isn’t enough so make sure you rehydrate with a drink rich in electrolytes.

  1. Shed the dead skin cells

Dead skin cells increase during the heat, so make sure you keep your skin silky and smooth by exfoliating regularly.  Try using a loafer or mixing something course such as salt or sugar into your body wash. Build up can cause break outs and skin irritation, something all of us would like to try and avoid.

  1. Exercise

High temperatures can make exercising seem like a chore but you can keep in shape by mixing up your routine.  If you insist on exercising outside then make sure you choose a time either early in the morning or later in the evening just before it gets dark.  There are also a wide variety of indoor activities available in the U.A.E ranging from acro yoga to hula classes so you never have to get bored.

  1. Look after your hair

If you like to swim, the sun and chlorine will more than likely damage your locks and leave them feeling dry and damaged.  To prevent this you can use a chlorine neutralizing shampoo and conditioner as well as coating your hair in a deep penetrating gloss enhancing mask.  Be sure to have it trimmed every 4-6 weeks and go easy on the hair dye (stretch it to every 8-10 weeks).

  1. Up the good oils

Good oils such as olive oil, fish and nuts contain essential fatty acids that help skin fight UV damage. Fatty acids keep in the moisture that your body often loses through sweating.  Try to include these oils in your daily diet by adding them to salads or other wholesome fresh summer dishes.

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